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Blogtober Tech Edition 2020

I feel like I'm still relatively new to blogging even though my blog is one year old. I've also never participated in any of the blogging events, such as Blogtober Tech Edition. So, this year I figured it was as good a time as any to participate.


2 minutes read

Fall scene

I hit my first anniversary of blogging this past September. As you may have noticed, I’ve been a bit lax over the main course of this year. I know, I know. With the whole COVID thing going on this year, you would have thought there would have been more time to blog. After sheltering in place and being forced to work from home, I got busier. At the height of the pandemic, I was on six or more conference calls a day. It was exhausting. I think that folks (including me) were being drained, both mentally and physically, from being on so many calls. Eventually, things calmed down.

What is Blogtober Tech Edition?

Blogtober Tech Edition 2020, in its fourth year, is an opportunity for bloggers, like me, to not only share our knowledge. It is also an opportunity to be eligible to win some prizes. The awards are compliments of the VMware User Group (better known as VMUG). If you aren’t familiar with VMUG, I strongly suggest you visit their site.

If you are interested in reading posts from other bloggers who have elected to participate this year, then head on over to this link. Here you will be able to see the list of folks who have participated up to this point. You will notice that, sadly, I’m not on the list as having created a blog this month. But, I will be after this post.


I’m not exactly sure what I’ll blog about. But I need to get moving. I need to complete five blogs by the end of this month. So stay tuned to my blog, and I hope you enjoy the topics I cover in the next few days.

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This is my personal blog about technical topics including virtualization, storage, networking, backups, and some random IT stuff that strikes my fancy.