Welcome to my little piece of the Internet. I blog here, but not as often as I like to. But, please don’t let that keep you from reading any further about me or my blog. I don’t have comments enabled on my site. So, please reach out to me on Twitter @PSUStevens or LinkedIn.
Blog Topics
This is a personal blog about technical topics that interest me. The main topics are centered around virtualization, VMware ESXi and Microsoft Hyper-V as well as storage. Automation is also of interest to me. This includes PowerShell, VMware PowerCLI (which is mainly PowerShell) and a smattering of Python. I also still keep up on several Microsoft technologies, primarily Windows operating systems such as Windows 10, Windows Server and finally Active Directory, as that is how I got my start in the IT world. I also reserve the right to throw in anything else that strikes my fancy, such as storage, backups, networking, etc.
I am originally from Pittsburgh, PA, but I now live in New England. Despite living in New England, I can still speak native “Pittsburghese”. If you don’t know what that means don’t fret. I speak fluent English too.
I am currently one of two Field Solutions Architect (FSA) at Pure Storage that cover all of North America. An FSA is a specialist that covers a particular topic in great detail. My collegue and I cover our VMware integrations. This includes the Pure vSphere Plugin and the Pure VM Analytics plugin. You will need to be a Pure Storage customer to see the details about the VM Analytics plugin. Simply login with your customer credentials and you are off to the races.
I also cover all things about our cloud storage product, Pure Cloud Block Store (CBS). Cloud Block Store is a logical version of our Purity operating environment running natively on Azure or AWS services.
Prior to Pure Storage I held Security Solutions Architect positions for HyTrust and Entrust. Prior to my short diversion in the security industry, I worked as a Technical Marketing Engineer for DataGravity and Dell. If you go looking for the websites for DataGravity or HyTrust you probably won’t find them. These companies were ultimately acquired by Entrust.
Back in 2019 I finally got off my butt and submitted my application and was accepted into the VMware vExpert Program. This year my application was renewed again for the fifth straight year. I’m proud to be a vExpert. Thank you VMware and the especially the VMUG Community.
It helped that I also got a gentle nudge from Ariel Sanchez. He was the one who really pushed me over the edge to do this. Here is a video where Ariel interviewed me at a past Pittsburgh VMUG Usercon event. Check it out:
I am finally getting around to learning how to use GitHub. In fact, this entire blog site is hosted on GitHub. You can find my contributions over here. I am using a framework known as Hugo for developing my site. I’m using the hugo-future-imperfect-slim theme.
That’s all for now. I’ll sprinkle a few more posts about myself in the future.
Thanks for reading!
PS: I also need to thank my beautiful wife, Laura, for sticking it out with me. Without her I wouldn’t be where I am today in my career and in life in general. We wouldn’t have been able to do what we have done so far in life. It’s fun to think about what still lies ahead for us.